Ghummakar ( The Traveler)


I wish I was born a bird, all I ever wanted to do is fly………. educated to be a dentist but a qualified vagabond…………. don’t subscribe to any country, creed, caste, religion or race………… I am what I was born as ‘A Human’ and therefore the world is my home……..and to see all of it my dream Ā šŸ™‚


3 thoughts on “Ghummakar ( The Traveler)

  1. Pingback: The ‘Liebster Award’ | A Borrowed Backpack

  2. Hi!
    I have nominated you for the Liebster award. Here is the link for you to go ahead:

  3. Mayuri, I think by the link-back what they mean is that you, while thanking the person/blog who has nominated you for the award, you hyperlink the person’s/blog’s name with a link to the blog. You can check mine. I had to google to figure out this thing. You too can.
    And also, I followed the pattern how the blog that gave me the award had done it šŸ™‚

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